16 Statistics About Human Trafficking in the United States

This post is not for everyone. 16 statistics about human trafficking in the United States are pretty disturbing and not for people with a weak stomach.

The human trafficking is a global issue that is still to be resolved. Unfortunately, governments are more aimed to resolve their own financial issues and finding the best ways to benefit from their positions, while the number of kidnaped people is rising each day.


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As a kid, you probably often heard about not getting in touch with unfamiliar people because they probably had bad intentions. As you got older, you never became trustfully enough, but you got more relaxed while being in a presence of someone you never met. Now, when you got older, you are used to talking to strangers while waiting for the bus or somewhere in the line, just to make your time pass quicker. But do you feel scared to get into someone else’s car or apartment if you don’t know them enough? You should be, because awful things happen each day, especially to women and children. Men are usually not that desirable for kidnappers. They can’t be sold as prostitutes and they can be stronger than kidnappers. This is why helpless children and women are the perfect targets for these people.

Sometimes women and children are inveigled with the excuse that their kidnappers can help them out with something or they ask for simple help like bringing groceries in their house. Sometimes, women are offered help in some foreign country and, instead of earning big money, they are put into dungeons or locked in dark rooms until they are needed. Or, they are simply taken while they walk and brought into car/van/truck and driven to the unknown destination.

According to the US Department of Justice’s report in 2011, 82% of all human trafficking was identified or suspected as the sex trafficking. The biggest problem that appears here is that some women and especially children are embarrassed by admitting what happened to them while they were kidnaped. Or, even worse, they develop Stockholm Syndrome and they try to protect their kidnappers or even get back to them. Stockholm Syndrome is most usually caused by the too big scare of victims. After their kidnapers start acting nicer to them, they develop a connection in order to save their own lives. Unfortunately, they usually end up developing strong feelings towards them, which is why they make excuses for their kidnappers or even hide from the police department and their families and friends who harmed them.

But the worst thing regarding human trafficking is statistics and numbers. If you think you can handle it, here are  16 statistics about human trafficking in the United States.

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